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4 Port Retro USB Adapter for Atari Joysticks and Paddles (Plus Edition)


2 in stock

Connect up to 4 Atari joysticks or Paddles with this device to your USB port and play with your emulators.  No drivers needed. Works great with RetroPie, Windows, Mac, Linux, and Android!

In addition to standard single button Atari Joystick, this device also supports dual button 7800 joysticks.  Up to 4 paddles supported (dual paddles on ports 1 and 2).

See Youtube video here

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SKU: RetroPlus4

Connect up to 4 Atari joysticks or Paddles with this device to your USB port.  Your system will recognize your Atari joysticks and paddles as standard gamepads ready for you to use with your emulators and games.  Small screen shows mode your ports are in and reacts to your movements. No drivers needed and works great with RetroPie, Windows, Linux, and Android!

In addition to standard single button Atari Joystick, this device also supports dual button 7800 joysticks.  Up to 4 paddles supported (dual paddles on ports 1 and 2).  See my blog for some more info.  Also see limitations of this device in comparison to other iCode adapters.

Does not include joysticks or paddles.

Tutorial Videos: Tutorials and Videos on using iCode adapters for Atari Joysticks, Paddles, Trackballs, and Driving Controllers

Manual: Atari Retro Joystick and Paddle Adapter Plus Users Guide

Weight 5 oz


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